- Charity concert "With Children for Children" / November 26, 2023
- Anniversary concert - 20 years - Pearls of song art / June 10, 2023
- Missa Festiva for choir and organ - Alexander Gretchaninov / June 10, 2023
- IMRESSIONS / February 2, 2023
- Mozart "Magic Flute" / August 20, 2022
- Mozart "Requiem" / April 5, 2022
- Concert at the international Christmas forum in Lucerne / December 19, 2021
- Charity concert - organisation helping severely sick children in hospitals / December 11, 2021
- Openair Concert in the historic center of Zurich / July 1, 2021
- Leonard Cohen "Hallelujah" / March 15, 2021
- Videoclip "Happy New Year!" / December 31, 2020
- Videoclip "Topolya" / December 17, 2020
- Benefit concert in Volkshaus, Zurich / November 30, 2019
- Great photos from our Russian trip and our song about Volga river / March 31, 2019
- Concert in the Astrakhan State Philharmonic, Russia / August 3, 2018
- Anniversary concert - 15 years of our choir / June 17, 2018
- Consulate of the Russian Federation, Zurich represents / January 14, 2018
- Choir in the program "Old New Year" / January 14, 2018
- Concert "Zugabe" in Volkshaus, Zurich / September 17, 2017
- Concert in St. Gallen / June 10, 2017
- Our trip to Armenia and Georgia / August 2016
- End of season concert / June 16, 2016
- Concert - Sergey Rachmaninov and his contemporaries / June 20, 2015
- Concert - 70th anniversary of the war's end 1945-2015 / May 9, 2015
- Charity concert - Zurich / December 4, 2014
- TV Broadcast - Irkutsk, Baikal / July 23, 2013
- Anniversary Concert - 10 years / June 16, 2013
- "Stabat Mater" by Gioachino Rossini / March 22, 2013
- On the way from a concert in St. Petersburg's subway / March 17, 2012
- Concert "Russian voices", big hall of Tonhalle, Zurich / June 5, 2011
- "Polovetsian Dances" A. Borodin, big hall of Tonhalle, Zurich / June 5, 2011
- sian holiday Masleniza / March 5, 2011
- Eisgala Davos - The premiere of the Show «Ice magic» (amateur film) / February 19 - 20, 2010
- Eisgala Davos - The premiere of the Show "Ice magic" / February 19 - 20, 2010
- Opera-Drama "Pif-Paf" / June 7, 2009
- Hofgesang (choir festival) / May 22, 2008
- Concert in Andermat / December 10, 2005
November 26, 2023
Charity concert "With Children for Children" |
June 10, 2023
Anniversary concert - 20 years - Pearls of song art |
June 10, 2023
Missa Festiva for choir and organ - Alexander Gretchaninov |
February 2, 2023
August 20, 2022
Mozart "Magic Flute" |
April 5, 2022
Mozart "Requiem" |
December 19, 2021
Concert at the international Christmas forum in Lucerne |
December 11, 2021
Charity concert - organisation helping severely sick children in hospitals |
July 1, 2021
Openair Concert in the historic center of Zurich |
March 15, 2021
Leonard Cohen "Hallelujah" |
December 31, 2020
Videoclip "Happy New Year!" |
December 17, 2020
Videoclip "Topolya" |
November 30, 2019
Benefit concert in Volkshaus, Zurich |
March 31, 2019
Great photos from our Russian trip and our song about Volga river |
August 3, 2018
Concert in the Astrakhan State Philharmonic, Russia |
June 17, 2018
Anniversary concert - 15 years of our choir |
January 14, 2018
Consulate of the Russian Federation, Zurich represents |
January 14, 2018
Choir in the program "Old New Year" |
September 17, 2017
Concert "Zugabe" in Volkshaus, Zurich |
June 10, 2017
Concert in St. Gallen |
August 2016
Our trip to Armenia and Georgia |
June 16, 2016
End of season concert |
June 20, 2015
Concert - Sergey Rachmaninov and his contemporaries |
May 9, 2015
Concert - 70th anniversary of the war's end 1945-2015 |
December 4, 2014
Charity concert - Zurich Benefit concert in favor of the retirement home project in Ukraine. |
July 23, 2013
TV Broadcast - Irkutsk, Baikal |
June 16, 2013
Anniversary Concert - 10 years |
March 22, 2013
"Stabat Mater" by Gioachino Rossini |
March 17, 2012
On the way from a concert in St. Petersburg's subway |
June 5, 2011
Concert "Russian voices", big hall of Tonhalle, Zurich |
June 5, 2011
"Polovetsian Dances" A. Borodin, big hall of Tonhalle, Zurich |
March 5, 2011
sian holiday Masleniza |
February 19 - 20, 2010
Eisgala Davos - The premiere of the Show «Ice magic» (amateur film) |
February 19 - 20, 2010
Eisgala Davos - The premiere of the Show "Ice magic" Video produced by SO Emotion AG in Chur. |
June 7, 2009
Opera-Drama "Pif-Paf" |
May 22, 2008
Hofgesang (choir festival) |
December 10, 2005
Concert in Andermat |